Our collection of recommended reading materials with accompanying summaries and where to purchase the books or pamphlets.
Can Christians be demonized? Discover how to confront and overcome demonic forces using biblical pri
Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio teaches that with God's power, believers can defeat life's giants
Kingdom Man by Tony Evans explores the call for men to embrace their roles as godly leaders in their
Intro to Michael S. Heiser's The Unseen Realm, exploring the supernatural worldview of the Bible, th
Reversing Hermon by Michael Heiser explores the impact of the Watchers' rebellion, its influence on
Pablo Bottari's Free in Christ explores the biblical foundations, practical steps, and empowering me
Exploring the biblical basis, practical process, and impact of deliverance ministry for overcoming d
In Demons and Deliverance H.A. Maxwell Whyte, exploring the biblical foundations, practical steps, a
This is one of the most comprehensive books on deliverance. Brother Prince dispels misconceptions, e
We are called to follow our Rabbi, Jesus. Discipleship is lacking in the modern church. John Mark Co
He must ruthlessly eliminate hurry. Words given from a man of God to give to John Mark Comer. These
Vlad Savchuk's Break Free is a powerful guide to understanding and experiencing deliverance from spi
Kimberly Daniels' Clean House, Strong House. Learn how to spiritually cleanse and fortify your home
Meta description here (115-130 characters)Explore our in-depth synopsis of Listen to Me Satan! by Ca
How to Pray by simplifies prayer, offering practical steps to connect with God through the P.R.A.Y.
Explore our in-depth review of Dr. Brian Adams' The Power of Forgiveness. Discover the transformativ
Larson’s Book of Spiritual Warfare" by Bob Larson is a comprehensive guide to understanding and co
The Bondage Breaker guides Christians in overcoming sin and demonic influence, emphasizing identity
Win Worley made deliverance great again in the United States with his mass deliverance, his pamphlet
Win Worley's Deadly Dangers of Witchcraft is a helpful short book / pamphlet for those coming out of
This book is super enlightening on the character of God. Exodus 34:6-7.