Pigs In The Parlor by Frank and Ida Hammond

Pigs in the Parlor: A Practical Guide to Deliverance by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond is a foundational text in the Christian deliverance ministry. First published in 1973, this book has become a widely referenced resource for understanding and practicing deliverance from demonic oppression. The Hammonds combine biblical teachings with practical guidance, aiming to equip believers with the tools needed to confront and expel demons from their lives and the lives of others.

Introduction: The Reality of Demonic Activity

The Hammonds begin by asserting the reality of demonic activity in the modern world. They argue that demons are responsible for a wide range of problems, including physical ailments, mental disorders, and sinful behavior. The title, Pigs in the Parlor, refers to the idea that demons can reside in people’s lives like pigs in a parlor, causing disorder and chaos.

They emphasize that the concept of demonic possession is not limited to dramatic cases but includes more subtle forms of influence, which they refer to as “demonic oppression.” The authors stress that understanding and recognizing this oppression is the first step toward deliverance.

The Biblical Basis for Deliverance

The Hammonds provide a thorough biblical foundation for deliverance ministry. They cite numerous scriptures that demonstrate Jesus’ authority over demons and His mandate for believers to cast them out. The authors argue that deliverance was a central part of Jesus’ ministry and should be an essential practice in the church today.

The book highlights passages such as Mark 16:17, where Jesus declares that those who believe in Him will cast out demons. The Hammonds interpret this as a clear directive for all believers to engage in deliverance ministry, not just for specially anointed individuals. They also discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers for this task, emphasizing the importance of being filled with the Spirit in order to effectively confront demonic forces.

Understanding the Nature of Demons

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to explaining the nature of demons. The Hammonds describe demons as evil spirits that seek to inhabit and control human beings. They categorize demons into various types, including spirits of fear, anger, lust, and infirmity. Each type is associated with specific symptoms or behaviors that indicate its presence.

The authors stress that demons are intelligent beings with specific strategies for ensnaring people. They operate by exploiting human weaknesses, particularly unrepentant sin, emotional wounds, and involvement in occult practices. The Hammonds also discuss the concept of “demonic strongholds,” which are areas of a person’s life where a demon has gained significant control.

The Process of Deliverance

Pigs in the Parlor provides a detailed guide to the process of deliverance. The Hammonds outline several steps that they believe are essential for successful deliverance:

  1. Identification: The first step is identifying the presence of demons. This involves discerning the symptoms of demonic oppression and understanding the specific types of demons involved. The Hammonds recommend the use of spiritual discernment and knowledge of biblical teachings to accurately diagnose the problem.
  2. Confession and Repentance: The authors emphasize the importance of confession and repentance as a prerequisite for deliverance. They argue that unrepented sin gives demons legal rights to remain in a person’s life. Therefore, the person seeking deliverance must renounce any sin, forgive others, and break any ties to occult practices.
  3. Casting Out Demons: The actual process of expelling demons involves commanding them to leave in the name of Jesus. The Hammonds stress that this is done through the authority of Christ, not through any power of the individual. They provide examples of prayers and declarations that can be used during deliverance sessions.
  4. Post-Deliverance Care: After the demons are cast out, the Hammonds advise ongoing care to prevent re-entry. They stress the importance of spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers. The person must also fill the “vacuum” left by the departing demons with the Holy Spirit, ensuring that the demons do not return.

Common Obstacles to Deliverance

The Hammonds address several common obstacles that can hinder the deliverance process. These include unbelief, unconfessed sin, fear, and lack of knowledge. They caution against skepticism about the existence of demons, noting that this can be a significant barrier to receiving deliverance. They also discuss the importance of dealing with any spiritual or emotional issues that may prevent the person from fully embracing deliverance.

The authors also touch on the role of the church in supporting deliverance. They argue that many churches are reluctant to engage in deliverance ministry due to fear or misunderstanding. The Hammonds urge church leaders to educate themselves and their congregations about the reality of spiritual warfare and to incorporate deliverance as a regular part of ministry.

Special Cases in Deliverance

In addition to general principles, Pigs in the Parlor covers special cases that may require a more nuanced approach. These include deliverance for children, those with deep-seated emotional trauma, and people who have been involved in the occult. The Hammonds provide specific guidance for dealing with these situations, emphasizing the need for sensitivity, patience, and discernment.

They also discuss the issue of deliverance for those with mental illness. While acknowledging the role of medical treatment, the Hammonds argue that some mental health issues may have a demonic component that requires deliverance. They caution against using deliverance as a substitute for professional help but suggest it as a complementary approach.

The Role of the Deliverance Minister

The Hammonds stress that not everyone is called to be a deliverance minister, but they believe that every believer should be equipped to cast out demons if the need arises. They discuss the qualities of an effective deliverance minister, including a strong relationship with God, a thorough understanding of the Bible, and a life of holiness and prayer.

The authors also address the potential dangers and challenges of deliverance ministry. They warn that deliverance ministers may face spiritual attacks and must be vigilant in maintaining their own spiritual health. The Hammonds encourage those involved in deliverance ministry to seek regular support and accountability from fellow believers.

The Impact of Deliverance

The Hammonds conclude Pigs in the Parlor by discussing the transformative impact that deliverance can have on individuals and communities. They share testimonies of people who have experienced profound freedom and healing through deliverance. The book emphasizes that deliverance is not an end in itself but a means to deeper spiritual growth and intimacy with God.

The authors challenge the church to embrace deliverance as a vital aspect of ministry, arguing that it is essential for the spiritual health of believers and the advancement of God’s kingdom. They envision a church where deliverance is a regular and accepted practice, leading to stronger, more victorious Christians.

Meta Description

A comprehensive 1250-word synopsis of Pigs in the Parlor by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond, exploring the biblical basis, practical process, and impact of deliverance ministry for overcoming demonic oppression.

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