They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince

Derek Prince's They Shall Expel Demons: What You Need to Know About Demons—Your Invisible Enemies is a foundational text on the subject of deliverance, a practice within the Christian faith that involves casting out demons or evil spirits from individuals who are believed to be under their influence. Prince, a respected Bible teacher with a global ministry, draws from decades of experience in spiritual warfare to offer an in-depth exploration of the nature of demons, how they operate, and how Christians can effectively deal with them.

Overview and Background

The book begins with Prince sharing his personal journey into the ministry of deliverance. Raised in a traditional church environment, he initially had little knowledge of or interest in demons or spiritual warfare. However, through his experiences, particularly while serving as a missionary, he encountered situations that led him to recognize the reality of demonic oppression and the need for deliverance. These encounters compelled him to study the Bible more deeply on the subject, leading to the insights and practices he shares in this book.

Prince’s approach is deeply rooted in Scripture. He emphasizes that his teachings are not based on personal opinion or cultural trends but on the Word of God. He underscores that the ministry of deliverance is a significant part of Jesus’ earthly ministry and that it remains relevant and necessary for Christians today. Prince references the Great Commission in Mark 16:17, where Jesus states, "These signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons." This scripture serves as a cornerstone for Prince's argument that every Christian has the authority and responsibility to engage in deliverance.

Understanding Demons and Their Operations

Prince dedicates a significant portion of the book to defining what demons are and how they operate. He clarifies that demons are not simply abstract forces of evil but are personal, intelligent beings with their own will, emotions, and strategies. According to Prince, demons seek to inhabit and exert influence over humans, and their ultimate goal is to bring about spiritual, emotional, and physical destruction.

He categorizes demons based on their activities and effects on individuals, such as spirits of fear, infirmity, lying, and bondage. Prince explains that these spirits can enter a person’s life through various means, including personal sin, generational curses, trauma, and involvement in occult practices. He also discusses the symptoms of demonic oppression, which can manifest in different ways, such as irrational fears, compulsive behaviors, chronic illnesses, and persistent negative thoughts.

Prince also addresses common misconceptions about demons, particularly the belief that Christians cannot be affected by them. He argues that while Christians cannot be possessed in the sense of ownership (since they belong to Christ), they can be oppressed, harassed, and influenced by demons. This distinction is crucial for understanding the need for deliverance within the Christian community.

The Process of Deliverance

Central to They Shall Expel Demons is the process of deliverance, which Prince outlines in a clear, step-by-step manner. He emphasizes the importance of preparation, both for those seeking deliverance and those ministering it. For those who need deliverance, Prince advises self-examination and confession of sins, renunciation of any involvement with the occult or false religions, and forgiveness of others, as unforgiveness can be a major hindrance to deliverance.

Prince explains that the actual act of deliverance involves commanding the demon to leave in the name of Jesus. He stresses that this is not a ritualistic or magical process but one that is grounded in the authority of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. The person ministering deliverance must have faith in the authority of Jesus’ name and be led by the Holy Spirit throughout the process.

The book also addresses the practical aspects of deliverance, including what to expect during a deliverance session. Prince notes that demons often resist leaving and may cause the person being delivered to manifest various physical or emotional reactions, such as shaking, screaming, or crying. He advises patience and perseverance, as deliverance can sometimes be a process rather than an instantaneous event.

Prince also discusses the importance of follow-up after deliverance. He emphasizes that once a person has been set free from demonic influence, they must fill their lives with the Holy Spirit, God’s Word, and Christian fellowship to prevent the demons from returning. He references Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 12:43-45, where an unclean spirit, finding its former dwelling "empty, swept, and put in order," returns with seven other spirits more wicked than itself. This passage underlines the need for ongoing spiritual discipline and vigilance.

Case Studies and Personal Testimonies

Throughout the book, Prince includes numerous case studies and personal testimonies that illustrate the principles he teaches. These stories range from dramatic, supernatural encounters to more subtle forms of deliverance. For example, he recounts cases where individuals were freed from severe mental illness or chronic physical ailments after undergoing deliverance, as well as cases where deliverance brought about profound emotional healing and spiritual renewal.

These stories serve multiple purposes. They provide concrete examples of how demonic influence can manifest in various aspects of life, they demonstrate the effectiveness of deliverance when done according to biblical principles, and they inspire faith in readers who may be skeptical or fearful of engaging in this aspect of ministry.

Theological and Ethical Considerations

Prince is careful to address the theological and ethical considerations surrounding deliverance. He acknowledges the potential for abuse or misunderstanding in this ministry, such as the danger of attributing every problem to demons or using deliverance as a means of controlling or manipulating others. He warns against sensationalism and urges believers to approach deliverance with humility, compassion, and a sound understanding of Scripture.

He also touches on the broader implications of deliverance for the church and society. Prince believes that widespread demonic influence is a major factor behind many of the moral and spiritual crises facing the world today. He argues that the church’s failure to engage in deliverance ministry has allowed these forces to gain a stronger foothold in individuals and communities. Thus, he calls on the church to reclaim this aspect of Jesus’ ministry as part of its mission to bring healing and liberation to a broken world.


In They Shall Expel Demons, Derek Prince provides a thorough, biblically-based guide to understanding and practicing deliverance. The book is both instructional and inspirational, offering readers not only the knowledge they need to confront demonic forces but also the encouragement to step out in faith and exercise the authority that Christ has given them. Prince’s clear, compassionate approach makes the often-misunderstood topic of deliverance accessible to a wide audience, whether they are seasoned ministers or new believers.

Ultimately, the book is a call to action. Prince challenges Christians to take seriously the reality of spiritual warfare and to be proactive in addressing the presence and influence of demons in their lives and in the lives of others. By doing so, they can experience the freedom and abundant life that Jesus promised and extend that freedom to others in need.

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